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Business Lease Renewal

COVID and Rent Review

Saville-Edells & Saville Edells v Jain   [2021] (CLCC, 15.12.21) (As this is a County Court decision it is not on Bailii: you can find a transcript on our site at ) ...

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Turnover Rents

W (No.3) GP (Nominee A) Limited v JD Sports Fashion plc   [2021] (Nottingham CC, 22.10.21)  (As this is a County Court decision it is not on Bailii: Please find the transcript on our website at...

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Intention to Occupy

The editor of this section is Sarah Thompson-Copsey, solicitor and freelance property law trainer (  Macey v Pizza Express (Restaurants) Ltd, [2021] EWHC 2847 (Ch)    Summary  The...

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Ground (b)

Hazel v Akhtar [2001] EWCA Civ 1883 Facts Landlord opposed tenants application for a new lease on grounds (a) and (b) of s30; i.e. disrepair and persistent delay in paying rent. These are discretionary grounds. The rent was payable quarterly in advance. The tenant had...

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Ground (f)

Relevant statutory provision The ground set out in Landlord and Tenant Act 1954, s30(1)(f) provides: "that on the termination of the current tenancy the landlord intends to demolish or reconstruct the premises comprised in the holding or a substantial part of those...

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Ground (g)

Introduction Section 30(1)(g) of the 1954 Act provides the following as a ground entitling the landlord to resist an order for a new lease: "that on termination of the current tenancy the landlord intends to occupy the holding for the purposes of a business carried on...

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This page deals with compensation payable to the tenant in two different sets of circumstances: Where the tenant is unable to obtain a new tenancy because the landlord is objecting on grounds (e), (f) or (g); Where the landlord gets the property back after he has made...

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Registration of claim

Relationship between 1954 Act and the LRA Article: "Get in on the action - and get registered" by Malcolm Dowden, Charles Russell - An interesting article considering the relationship between the two Acts. In particular Malcolm suggests that a tenant applying for a...

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Contracting out

This page contains cases dealing with the contracting out provisions of Part II of the 1954 Act. There was a fundamental change in the procedures in 2004, which are now contained in s38A of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 and Schedule 2 of Regulatory Reform (Business...

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