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Commercial Property

Commercial Property

Ian Quayle considers an unusual professional negligence case involving a joint venture where a very basic error led to a significant claim.  It is important to verify who the client is and what the status of the client is when dealing with joint ventures. This case reveals how a simple mistake can have drastic consequences for all concerned. 
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Profits a Prendre – An Overview

Chloe Lake considers the intricate legal concept of Profits à Prendre in her insightful article. Providing a comprehensive overview, she navigates the complexities of this legal framework, shedding light on its implications and applications.    Lesser-known than...

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Commercial Property

Article contributed by Ian Quayle   Ian Quayle discusses an interesting case dealing with a number of issues including the interpretation of a joint venture agreement, the use of a unilateral notice to protect an equitable charge and the application of S42(1)(a)...

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Document Drafts, Disputes and Overage

Article contributed by Ian Quayle   An interesting Upper Tribunal decision, which, although it is a commercial property case, has explored several issues for residential conveyancers and commercial property lawyers. It examines –    The need for caution in...

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