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Christmas Advent Calendar

Join us as we count our way down to Christmas with a very special Advent Calendar.  In the lead up to the big day we have a special surprise waiting for you behind each door including discounts, freebies and even some short webinars from our very own CEO, Ian Quayle.

Day 1

To claim your 10% discount on a group subscription, use code Christmas10

Day 2


Day 3

For more information or to book your place on our Online Course visit:


Day 4


Day 5

You can access the article by clicking this link:


Day 6


Day 7

For more information or to book your place on this free Local Authority online course, visit our website


Day 8


Day 9

To claim your 10% discount on a webinar led by Ian Quayle, use code Christmas10


Day 10


Day 11


Day 12


Day 13

To claim your 10% discount on a 12-month single subscription, use code Christmas10


Day 14


Day 15


For more information or to book your place on this free Commercial Property online course, visit our website


Day 16


Day 17


Day 18


Day 19


Day 20


Day 21


Day 22


Day 23


Day 24


Day 25
