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Legal Publications

By now I am sure you will be aware that Property Law UK’s distinguished team of guest editors comprises experienced practitioners, trainers, and barristers but what you may be unaware of is that several our guest editors are also published authors offering a selection of high-quality, practical publications on various legal subjects, created to support you in your professional practice. Here is a list of their works which we hope you will find useful:

Building Safety Act 2022, 1st edition

Building Safety Act 2022, 1st edition

Andrew Butler KC & Ian Quayle


About the book

Published by: The Law Society Publication: March 2024

The Building Safety Act 2022 is an important and complex new piece of legislation which is causing confusion for conveyancers and other property professionals. Written by a team of practising barristers from Tanfield Chambers specialising in residential and commercial property work, this book provides a practical guide to the Act and focuses on key issues for property lawyers, including:

  • The impact of the Act on the recoverability of service charges
  • Use of the Landlord Certificate and Leaseholder Deed of Certificate
  • The role and relevance of Accountable Persons and Principal Accountable Persons
  • Remediation Orders and Remediation Contribution Orders
  • Building Liability Orders
  • Amendments to the Building Act 1984 and Defective Premises Act 1972 (including the extension of limitation periods)
  • Liability in relation to construction products
  • Applications to the First-Tier Tribunal under the Act

Containing two chapters written by qualified conveyancer and well-known legal trainer Ian Quayle, it covers all aspects of the Act, with a particular focus on the implications for purchasers, leaseholders, landlords and managing agents, tenants, property developers, and those advising them. It takes a practical, straightforward approach to explaining the complex issues arising from the Act.

Publication contents Introduction Overview of Part 3 Building safety risks High-risk buildings Who is an ‘accountable person’? Duties of accountable persons Duties of residents Enforcement Part 5 and the Schedule 8 Exceptions The landlord’s certificate Leaseholder deed of certificate Section 112 and the new LTA 1985, s.30D Service Charges in respect of Remediation Works Remediation orders and remediation contribution orders Building liability orders and information orders Architects Construction product claims Liability of associated persons and personal criminal liability Transactional issues for residential conveyancers: acting for the seller Acting for the buyer in residential conveyancing transactions Courts and tribunals The Building Safety Act in Wales The book is available for pre-order online here.

Environment Act 2021: A Guide for Planners and Developers

Environment Act 2021: A Guide for Planners and Developers

by Guest Editor and Barrister Tom Graham

About the book

The Environment Act received Royal Assent in December 2021.  

It is a landmark piece of legislation creating a new governance framework that will regulate how the nation manages biodiversity, water resources and air pollution to name just a few, and introducing conservation covenant agreements as an option for developers. This new regime will lean heavily on the planning system with environmental considerations, becoming a key factor in planning and development decision making. This means everyone involved in considering or advising on new developments needs to know how the new regime could impact on those plans. 

The Environment Act 2021: A Guide for Planners and Developers will be one of the first books available to provide a comprehensive overview of the Act specifically for the planning sector. Written by Tom Graham, a practising lawyer with many years of experience in environment and planning law, it answers the questions that planners and advisors will need to consider such as: 

  • The interpretation of the Environment Act
  • Conservation biology and the planning system
  • What is Biodiversity Net Gain and how will it interact with the planning system?
  • What is the “precautionary principle” and how is this to be reflected in the planning process?
  • Can local planning authorities push a “green agenda”?
  • Section 106 agreements, conservation covenants, planning conditions and ecology
  • How will local planning committees get to grips with the complexities of the Act?
  • How will the act impact on developers? Is it a benefit or a problem?


As well as practical commentary, the book includes the relevant sections of the Act, annotated by the author, so you will have the sources you need in one, handy volume.  

The long-awaited Environment Act 2021: A Guide for Planners and Developers is now available on the Bath publishing website,  


Tom has previously penned two other books which may also be of interest: 

A Practical Guide to Planning, Highways & Development:  

Contaminated Land:  

Mixed Use and Residential Tenants’ Rights: The Landlord and Tenant Act 1987 and Leasehold Enfranchisement

Mixed Use and Residential Tenants’ Rights: The Landlord and Tenant Act 1987 and Leasehold Enfranchisement

by Guest Editors and Co-authors Peta Dollar and Sarah Thompson- Copsey

About the book

Mixed Use and Residential Tenants’ Rights: The Landlord and Tenant Act 1987 and Leasehold Enfranchisement.

This book provides everyone associated with mixed use buildings with clarity of information in understanding the key laws. It includes a detailed overview of tenants’ rights of first refusal under the 1987 act and tenants’ rights of collective enfranchisement under the Leasehold Reform.

Their book is available to purchase on Amazon:

Manual of the Law of Real Property” (Sweet & Maxwell, 9th edition)

Manual of the Law of Real Property” (Sweet & Maxwell, 9th edition)

by Guest Editor Piers Harrison

Atkin’s Court Forms, Vol 28(1) Mortgages (2020) (Lexis Nexis)

Atkin’s Court Forms, Vol 28(1) Mortgages (2020) (Lexis Nexis)

by Guest Editor Nigel Clayton

About the book

Nigel is the author of Atkin’s Court Forms, Vol 28(1) Mortgages (2020) (Lexis Nexis)

and Mortgage Possession Actions (Sweet & Maxwell) 

CQS Tool Kit

CQS Tool Kit

by Guest Editor Sarah Dwight

About the book

Sarah is the joint author of the CQS Tool Kit

Business Premises: Possession and Lease Renewal, 6ed (Sweet & Maxwell)

Business Premises: Possession and Lease Renewal, 6ed (Sweet & Maxwell)

Gary Webber was the founder and general editor of Property Law UK.

About the book

Gary is the co-author of Business Premises: Possession and Lease Renewal, 6ed (Sweet & Maxwell)

and co-author of Residential Possession Proceedings, 10ed (Sweet & Maxwell)

Contamination, Pollution & the Planning Process: A Practitioner's Guide

Contamination, Pollution & the Planning Process: A Practitioner's Guide

by Guest Editor & Barrister Tom Graham

About the book

Managing environmental issues in planning decisions is now an essential part of the process. The increasing pressure to develop brownfield sites and the publicity around the damage caused by air pollution are just two of the drivers for this growing area of planning practice.

The difficulty is that the law relating to these problems is disparate and overseen by different agencies, with the answers hidden deep in often obscure guidance, regulations and case law. It is also developing rapidly as the provisions of the Environment Act 2021 begin to bite.

Tom Graham’s latest book aims to make some sense of this seemingly chaotic regime to provide developers, their advisors and the planning authorities with a coherent round up of the problems and how to address them by:

  • setting out the main causes for concern created by for example landfill sites or abandoned mines
  • providing practical insights on site and environmental impact assessments
  • explaining the concepts such as air quality, toxicity and verification
  • outlining how environmental law interacts with current planning law such as s106 of the Town and Country Planning Act
  • offering drafting tips for any planning conditions

Case studies and a set of invaluable appendices reproducing key guidance in full help to bring it all together, making the book an essential source of reference for everyone involved in developing potentially contaminated sites.

Their book is available to purchase from Bath Publishing:

Business Premises: Possession and Lease Renewal

Business Premises: Possession and Lease Renewal

by Barristers Gary Webber & Daniel Dovar

About the book

Business Premises: Possession and Lease Renewal provides clear explanation and detailed commentary on how a landlord or lessor can obtain possession of business premises, and how a tenant can oppose such action or renew the lease. Written from the litigator’s point of view, this guide covers a comprehensive range of areas including termination, non-payment of rent, licenses, forfeiture, proceedings for possession and applications for new tenancies.

Their book is available to purchase from Sweet & Maxwell:
