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A Look Back at 2024 and Making Plans for 2025

The Clarke Edwards Partnership is a specialist legal recruitment company actively working with legal candidates and clients across the UK.  After a busy and successful 2024, we are pleased to report that over 50% of our placements this year have been within the property legal arena.  

The legal recruitment market remains highly candidate-driven, with firms reporting growth in their property teams. They started and ended the year actively looking to recruit into their agricultural property law, residential property, commercial property law, real estate, and real estate finance teams.  We have also seen an increase in demand for non-contentious and contentious construction lawyers, planning lawyers and a very high demand for those with property litigation experience.   

As we head towards the festive season, many firms are focusing on their recruitment strategies for 2025, and this part of the year is extremely busy for us while we meet with clients and gather the opportunities set to come to the market in the New Year.   It is also a busy time for talking with new candidates considering the year ahead whilst away from the office.    

The team at The Clarke Edwards Partnership are offering candidate appointments over the festive break and if you would like to arrange a confidential, no obligation discussion on your own requirements you can reach out to Claire or Lisa to arrange a date and time that suits.  We recognise that outside of working hours is often the best time to plan your career and we would be delighted to discuss with you how we can help.  With backgrounds in private practice both Lisa and Claire can talk you through the roles that meet your requirements and guide you through the firms, their cultures, their working environments, working patterns, future plans and the renumeration packages available.  

If you are considering a career move at some point in the New Year, you can visit the website and in just a few clicks register to hear about new and exciting opportunities that meet your requirements, as they come to market.  Please head to The Clarke Edwards Partnership vacancies page and click ‘Tell us about your ideal role’  

The Clarke Edwards Partnership would like to take this opportunity to thank the Property Law UK team for their support and partnership over 2024, and to wish all staff and readers a very merry festive season.  If you are planning your next career move in the New Year, you can take a look at the latest vacancies below.    

See you in 2025!  

Claire & Lisa  
