Assignee claiming possession Assignment of debt Promontoria (Oak) Limited v Emanuel [2020] EWHC 563 (Ch) Summary In a possession and money claim brought by the registered assignee of a legal charge, the Appeal Judge found that the Claimant was entitled to possession...
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Mortgage Possession
This section of the site contains material that is specific to mortgage possession claims.
In particular it contains an article relating to mortgage repossession claims: Time to sell – What are the court’s powers when a borrower needs more time to sell the house to pay off the whole of the mortgage debt? Does the borrower need to have contracts in place before the court will adjourn the claim or stay the order to allow the sale to be completed. The article suggests not.
See also the The possession claims section of the site.
Discrimination defences
See also the Discrimination defences page in the general Possession claims section of the site. Disabled borrower in arrears Lender's refusal to convert to interest only loan Green v Southern Pacific Mortgage Ltd [2018] EWCA Civ 854 Summary A lender-s refusal to...
Counterclaim and set-off
Claim for declaration as to entitlement to damages and set-off Limitation - summary judgment Woodeson v Credit Suisse (UK) Limited [2018] EWCA Civ 1103 Summary A bank was entitled to summary judgment against borrowers on their claim for declarations as to their...
Time to sell
What are the court's powers when a borrower needs more time to sell the house to pay off the whole of the mortgage debt? Does the borrower need to have contracts in place before the court will adjourn or stay to allow the sale to be completed? In this article Gary...
Indemnity costs Contract term required Helden v Strathmore Ltd [2011] EWCA Civ 542 On the question of costs in this case, the judge had been wrong to assume that all mortgagees are entitled to indemnity costs. While it is perfectly true that the majority of mortgages...