The online resource for UK Property Law


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A very useful website dealing with planning is the Planning Portal, which is the “UK Government’s Online planning and building regulations resource for England and Wales.”

For a helpful website dealing with planning and enforcement appeals procedure go to The Planning Inspectorate site.

In relation to Permitted Development the principal Order is the The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995, which is amended from time to time. Details of amendments can be found on the Planning Portal, which is the “UK Government’s Online planning and building regulations resource for England and Wales.” However, it is necessary to be careful as it is not always fully up to date.

A number of local planning authorities also have useful summaries of the current position in relation to permitted development. For example, see the site of Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council

Shutting The Door On Working From Home?

Article contributed by Robert Kelly of Stewart Title Whilst many of the most visible consequences of Lockdown are slowly disappearing, the desire for employees to continue to incorporate “Working from Home” in their work patterns continues. A recent report from the...

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Stranger than fiction

Article contributed by Tom Graham A short account of a strange case   As they say, the fact is often stranger than fiction.  This short article stems from a real-life case study in connection with a new build scheme which led to an outcome which was odd in the...

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Green Belt

"Openness" Visual concept? R (on the application of Samuel Smith Old Brewery (Tadcaster)) v North Yorkshire County Council [2020] UKSC 3 Summary "Openness" of the Green Belt is not an essentially visual concept. Facts The appellant, the local planning authority,...

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This page contains two cases, one on the grant of planning permission and the other on enforcement, which demonstrate that the interests of children must be given "primary consideration" when making decisions. Planning permission Article 8 and the best interests of...

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