The online resource for UK Property Law

Possession Claims

These pages deal with various matters that are particularly relevant to possession claims. See the contents column on the left.


Issue of warrant for possession First date warrant can be issued Tuohy v Bell [2002] EWCA Civ 423 A warrant cannot be issued before the date on which it is ordered that possession be given up. However, in this case, although the warrant was premature and therefore a...

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Bankruptcy of the tenant and debt relief orders Do they prevent possession? Summary Although a money judgment cannot be made in respect of rent arrears after the tenant was declared bankrupt, or the subject of a Debt Relief Order, the making of a possession order on...

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Homeless persons

Homeless persons and possession claims London Borough of Tower Hamlets v Begum [2005] EWCA Civ 116 Summary A person with a statutory right to appeal against a decision and who has not done so in time cannot raise arguments appropriate to such an appeal in defence to a...

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